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Happy New Year!

"Happy New Year! , fellow Nerds" was the message  I was hoping to share but something felt odd. It felt, sort of, forced. It felt, as though, the time of "us" (fellow Nerds) not being the "alpha-male" is over, done(!) and 2018 did serve as a great example.
Nerdy is becoming the new sexy and, nerds, the new protagonists.
We're a creative community not bounded by the norms of societies, we daydream, we have ludicrous fantasies and weird imaginations but that doesn't stop us. Although we rarely socialize and even more rarely share our ideas publicly, the amount of creativity boxed into our minds can bring a real change. It rarely gets out. But when it does, it makes them realize, what they're missing.

2019 is all about us. It's about celebrating what we possess: a curious brain, a silent one.

2018 wasn't a great year in particular(for me). It sure had some good moments but it was mostly "meh!". I made a few goals at the beginning of last year and most of them were met, I guess, that makes for a good beginning for the new year. Also, I'm quite confused where I'm going with the blog but I promise: you guys are going to be the first ones to know once I've figured it out. I do have a preliminary idea about this blog, I want it to be a place where I write. Write anything and everything.

But I'd little success writing anything, mainly, because I didn't write anything (obviously!). And I do regret it. Making excuses is not a solution, it never is and never will be. Instead, accept your mistakes and try to rectify them. The 31st of December serves to be a great day. I call that day the "introspection" day and it's when I look back at the year and try to reason: why I did what I did and why didn't I do something that I should've done and how I'm gonna improve that next year. I've been doing this for the past couple of years now and I must admit, it's been a real help in improving some bad habits and staying committed to my goals.

Most of my goals of 2018 were met and it's time to announce, for the first time ever (probably because it will have more emphasis if it'll be on the internet), my goals/resolutions for 2019 on the internet. Here you go:

1. Read at least two books a month.
2. Write at least five short stories based on one single character.
3. Write at least two diary entries every week.
4. Learn French, hopefully, up to Level B2(adv) and take the B2 test. Level B1 would so as well.
5. Reach sub-20 in Rubik's cube solve times.
    (Sub-15 would be mind-blowing.)
6. Get rated 1600 in Chess.
    (let's see how far it goes)

Yes, I've revealed all of them. Judge me all you can!
Okay, all the pun aside, these are the things that I want to achieve this year. Even if 2019 turns out to be bad year( which I hope not), I still would've done some productive work that I won't feel completely miserable at the end of the year.

Once again, Nerds rock! We're the foundation of humankind ( Yes, I said that!). And with all the sincerity in the world I wish you a very "Happy New Year".

Au Revoir, à beintôt!
- Monsieur Shammi
